Tala Coffee Roasters

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Finca Cruz Loma: Pichincha, Ecuador

A new and exciting single origin is joining the roster for Tala Coffee Club members: Finca Cruz Loma. This lively, honey-processed coffee dances on your palate with flavors of sangria, apricot, and nougat, offering a unique and delightful tasting experience.

This coffee is a Tala Coffee Club exclusive. As a Coffee Club Member you will receive a recurring coffee shipment, monthly exclusive discounts for our website, special Coffee Club merchandise, and insider information like early access to new coffees and upcoming merch. 

From Importer: 

Finca Cruz Loma is a family-run farm located in San Jose de Minas, Pichincha, Ecuador. This farm, managed by siblings Galo and Grace Morales, spans an impressive 300 hectares. Each sibling cultivates different crops including sugar cane, cacao, corn, and of course, coffee. Finca Cruz Loma devotes 6 hectares to coffee production, with 4 hectares currently yielding rich harvests at an elevation of 1,450 meters above sea level. The farm boasts a diverse array of coffee varieties, including Typica Mejorado, Sidra, Caturra, Tabi, and a little  bit of Geisha within a mixed lot. 

The coffee beans at Finca Cruz Loma undergo an intricate honey fermentation process, highlighting the farm's commitment to quality and flavor. The journey begins at the honey lots, where the finest cherries are carefully selected and fermented for around 24-26 hours. Following fermentation, the beans are de-pulped and laid to dry on African beds, basking in the sun for 25-30 days. This meticulous drying phase allows the beans to develop their distinctive taste profiles.

To ensure perfect consistency, the beans are then finished in a mechanical dryer. This final step is crucial due to the extra mucilage on the beans as well as  the region's humid climate. The result is a coffee that embodies the rich, complex flavors of Ecuador.

From the Roasters 

We don't often come by coffees like this one that offer such a beautiful balance of such unique flavors that dance like merengue partners perfectly calibrated with each other. I ended up selecting this one over the others to offer as a coffee club exclusive because its flavors were so condensed and clear. Sangria, Apricot, and Nougat are the flavors that really popped when tasting this coffee giving a really intriguing experience of flavor that we know you will enjoy as a Tala Coffee Club Member!

How We’re Brewing It 

When brewing this coffee in our cafe, we use a Fellow Ode Brew Grinder and a Kalita dripper in this recipe. 

Grind size: 12.5 

Coffee Dose: 26g 

Water Dose: 400g 

Brewing Time: 3:00 

Water Temp: 208F 

Yield: 12oz