Tala Coffee Roasters

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New Coffee Arrivals!

You have been patiently waiting to find out the big secret: what new coffees are arriving this week. We have been searching for some good options to add to our lineup this spring. In order to find the perfect coffees we cupped 14 different coffees from regions all over Africa and South America from multiple importers. Out of those 14 coffees, these 2 stood out among the rest. 

BUFCAFE: Remera Station

We’re excited to now offer this sister coffee to the BUFCAFE: Nyrusiza we had earlier in the year. This coffee is packed with summer-time flavors of ripe, juicy apricot and nectarine, and fresh cut floral tones akin to honeysuckle. It pairs nicely with a pair of flip-flops and  a popsicle, and is best served poolside.

Kirimiri AB: Embu, Kenya

Kirimiri is both a fun name to say and a fun coffee to drink. This coffee “jumped” off the cupping table with sugary flavors of caramel, sweetened black tea, and blueberry juice. We loved the ways these flavors complimented each other, offering a very balanced, yet intriguing sip.