Small Business Saturday 2020

When we first opened Tala we sat for an interview—I don’t even remember who it was with now—and they asked about how we got into specialty coffee. Stefan, speaking for all of us, said,

“I came for the coffee, I stayed for the people.”

Those wise words ring true for us as we celebrate Small Business Saturday this year. In typical 2020 fashion, this Small Business Saturday hits differently than most. The strangely somber undertone of this year is how many small businesses across the country—and world, for that matter—are closed for this special day, some temporarily and others permanently. With that as the backdrop of today, it is with even deeper gratitude that we extend our sincerest thank you to all of you.

It’s all of you, the individual people who make up our community, that have sustained us through a year like 2020.

You regulars who come back every day to get your coffee and check in on your local baristas.

You who spread the word to your friends.

You Coffee Club members who joined to keep getting coffee while at home.

You who send our coffee to your friends to brighten their days.

You students who kept coming to the cafe even when you couldn’t sit and work anymore.

You who excitedly get behind all our new coffees and products.

You, our amazing team of employees, who always works to make a welcoming environment in our community.

We do it for you, not for the coffee—although we’re all happy about the coffee, too!

Thank you!

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