Tala Coffee Roasters

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Tesfaye Bekele: Guji, Ethiopia

Ethiopia’s Legacy in Coffee 

Ethiopia, recognized as the birthplace of coffee, blends centuries-old traditions with evolving practices to lead the global specialty coffee scene. As Africa's largest coffee producer, Ethiopia's unique terroirs, such as Sidamo, Yirgacheffe, and Guji, are renowned for producing high-quality beans with distinct flavor profiles. Coffee farms range from small, family-owned plots to larger estates, with many farmers still utilizing traditional, organic farming methods. Ethiopia's government and various cooperatives have worked to improve processing techniques and promote sustainability, with many farms now certified organic or Rainforest Alliance-approved. In addition to enhancing coffee quality, these efforts have fostered environmental conservation and community development. Coffee exports are a critical part of Ethiopia’s economy, supporting millions of livelihoods while showcasing the country's unique contributions to the world of specialty coffee.

Reviving Guji Through Coffee

Tesfaye Bekele, founder of Suke Quto Farm, played a pivotal role in rebuilding the Guji region of Ethiopia after devastating bushfires in the late 1990s. Faced with the destruction of thousands of acres of forest, Tesfaye saw an opportunity to restore the land and strengthen the local community through coffee farming. He encouraged locals to replant the forests and add coffee trees, providing seedlings and guidance, despite initial reluctance from farmers. Over time, his vision took root, and Suke Quto Farm grew into a thriving hub that now partners with 171 outgrowers, creating sustainable livelihoods for hundreds of families. Tesfaye’s efforts have not only revitalized the environment but have also boosted the local economy and supported community projects, such as building schools. His commitment to sustainable agriculture has made Guji a model for how coffee farming can help restore both the land and the community.

A Taste of Guji

Trabocca, a new importer partner for us, has deep relationships with Ethiopian coffee farmers, particularly with Tesfaye Bekele, from whom they have purchased coffee every year since 2009. Tesfaye Bekele is celebrated for putting the coffee-growing region of Guji on the map in the world of specialty coffee. His coffee is exactly why we wanted to partner with Trabocca, and we are thrilled for you to try it. We love this coffee for its flavors that take us back to those 2nd-grade lunchbox fruit cups, especially the peach ones in light syrup, paired with rich, complex Demerara sugar and ripe melon that lingers in the finish. This is undeniably delicious!