Drip Dyed Drip

One of the best things about small business is that we get to be so creative in all kinds of ways. These tie dye shirts and sweatshirts are a great example of that.

Every holiday season we celebrate with a different theme. This past year was “White Winter,” and our white-on-white merch was a big hit. One comment we heard a few times, though, was, “I can’t wear white because I will spill coffee on it.” So when we had a handful of leftover white shirts and sweatshirts, the choice was obvious: we had to die these white shirts a coffee-hue. This splotch style tie dye was the perfect way to go for making these shirts stand out while giving a nod to the coffee tone.

Drip dyed drip

Dying the whole batch was a labor of love to say the least, but we all had a ton of fun. Shout out to our summer intern, Mary, for not only helping with dying, but be willing to have coffee thrown at her for Instagram jokes. Getting to run with these crazy ideas is a big part of what makes small business so fun. Getting to do them with an epic team is what makes it all possible.