Tiki Drink Menu
We’re celebrating the summer with Tala Tiki Time. Our summer seasonal menu is all Tiki-inspired over-the-top creative drinks we’re sure you’re going to love. Read about each drink and our inspiration below.
The Tala Mai Tai
Our Tala take on the tiki classic made with orange juice, rum and almond extracts, lime juice, sparkling water, cold brew concentrate, and garnished with mint and a flamingo.
The Pink Hawaiian
Surf's up! Fruit punch and coffee collide in this concoction made with pineapple juice, coconut milk, hibiscus mangosteen syrup, and espresso, garnished with a dried pineapple.
We knew we needed to include some Tiki Classics in the lineup, but how?
Perhaps two of the most famous Tiki-style cocktails are the Mai Tai and the Blue Hawaiian. We had a fruit-punch style espresso drink from last year (you may remember the Pineapple Expresso from Summer 2020) that we thought we could tweak and improve with this mangosteen syrup and make it pink instead of blue. That took only a few iterations. Easy.
The Mai Tai threw us for more of a loop. Our first version of it was strange because you almost couldn’t place any flavor. The rum and almond cancelled each other out. Was it too lime-y or too orange-y? Or not enough orange? Or should we just throw out the almond? We wanted to stay as close to a Mai Tai as we could but the ratios were confounding. Eventually it took a little bit of sparkling water and several variations of different extract ratios to come to this delicious conclusion.
The Butterfly Effect
Of course, we had to bring back this one.
This was a no-brainer. The purple syrup, the gingery base, it checks all the boxes.
Not to mention everyone loved it last year.
It is also remarkably refreshing, especially on a hot summer afternoon. Tiki bars have a reputation for making “dangerous” drinks, not only for their high alcohol content but for their drinkability.
Of course, there’s no alcohol in ours, and don’t worry, there’s just a standard amount of espresso—nothing dangerous here. But it is very easy to drink quickly.
Fun fact: the butterfly effect is great without espresso, too. We call it the caterpillar effect.
We love this fizzy, sweet, spicy and refreshing drink made with juiced ginger, agave syrup, coconut milk, Butterfly Pea Powder, and espresso, with a tropical mini umbrella atop.
The South China sea
Take a journey to Singapore with this uniquely sweet island homage created with coconut milk, coconut extract, pandan syrup, and espresso layered together and served with a tiny palm tree umbrella.
Based on a family-favorite treat: Kaya jam
Stefan’s dad is from Singapore, and he spent a few of his young adult years living there. A very common breakfast item was toast with kaya jam. At first it looks strange because it’s a green color—his first time seeing it Stefan actually thought it was some other jam gone bad—but the taste is intriguingly delicious.
Kaya is made with coconut, eggs and pandan leaves as main ingredients that give it its unique taste. Pandan is a South-Asian plant similar to a palm tree, but there’s really not a great flavor comparison.
Kaya jam has become a family-favorite treat , but it is the first time we’ve ever seen it in a drink!
We knew we wanted to include a Kaya drink in our summer Tiki lineup, not only for its vibrant green color but for its unique delicious taste.