The Tala Blog
Featured Article
Decaf - How does it happen?
“When it receives the same care as other coffees, decaf coffee can be delicious! It also serves a noble purpose…”
Gesha Cold Brew
We recently launched our first coffee in our Tala Truest line: the Israel Hernandez Gesha from Tolima, Colombia. As much as we’ve been loving it hot, the thought occurred to us to conduct a wild experiment. It came in a stroke of genius—the kind of genius that seems hyperbolic at first—and we quickly realized it might actually work. We made cold brew with the Gesha, a bold move none of us have seen from the specialty industry before. The result? Amazing. So we’re going to share! This limited-edition cold brew will be sold in bottles in our cafe and be available for Neighborly delivery to local customers.
Birthday Giveaway
In celebration of our two-year anniversary at our café, we are having not one but two giveaways lasting all week long. Be sure to participate for epic prizes, good vibes, fun times and lots of air fives.
Tala Turns Two
Our café birthday is next week, August 11th. Celebrations will look a little different this year, but we are going to celebrate nonetheless! Make sure to mark your calendars because we will have festivities all week long.