The Tala Blog
Featured Article
Decaf - How does it happen?
“When it receives the same care as other coffees, decaf coffee can be delicious! It also serves a noble purpose…”
Espresso Martini
It would be irresponsible of me not to warn you about how perfect this recipe is as a pick-me-up. It’s tailor-made for those late afternoon/early evening slumps. Swing by before we close at six to grab your espresso and a splash of vanilla.
Cannonball Popsicle
Flashback to elementary school, the bell rings, and you book it out of the school chasing the ice cream truck. Sitting on the curb, you devour your favorite treat - Choco Taco, King Cones, or Firecracker. This summer, we wanted to reminiscence on those carefree summer days with two frozen treats we can all enjoy.