Favorite Memory: Ride to Work


In celebration of our birthday, we’re asking a fun question to our Tala community: what’s your favorite memory of the cafe? We’re reminiscing about the times shared, coffees tried and people met. To answer this question we’re having different people from the Tala team answer this question each day. Follow along to hear some of our highlights from this second year together. You’ll hear about life on the other side of the counter, life after hours, before hours, and lots of fun things that happen in and around the cafe. You’ll hear highlights and memorable moments as well as lessons and reflections. Thanks for following along with us.


Next up: Ride to Work by Maria. Maria has worked with us several months now, starting right before the pandemic hit. She’s a well-traveled adventurer with an impressive list of experiences under her belt, including currently pursuing her masters degree while working two jobs. Maria immediately dove in to learning and exploring the world of coffee and has added so much to Tala in one of the hardest times to be a new member of the team. You can recognize Maria by her coffee-related shirts that her Mom excitedly buys for her. We’re glad she chose Tala as her next adventure!

Ride to Work

Guest post by Maria

My journey to Tala came from a great interest in coffee. I have always had a desire to delve into my coffee curiosity and thankfully I have been able to do that at Tala.

I started at Tala in the midst of the pandemic, where many of us have been able to pursue new hobbies, interests, and curiosities. My goal throughout the more at-home time during quarantine was to spend more time with my family. I haven’t lived at home for many years, and this was a perfect opportunity to spend time with my loved ones.


Specifically, my dad. My dad is my best-friend and a very significant individual in my life. I knew I’d be able to spend some quality time with my dad after being away for many years. I think all of us have tried to see the light at the end of this dark and difficult time. We have all found meaning in the little things lately and I have never felt that more than this season of my life. I focused on centering my energy towards my calling for coffee and my love for my family. As I began working at Tala, my dad would always “volunteer” to drive me (I have never been a huge fan of driving, so it worked out for me). In the beginning, I thought I’d get away with it. Maybe no one would notice that it seemed like I had a chauffeur driving me around to work. At one point, Tala staff became skeptical (as anyone would) when there wouldn’t be a car parked in the staff lot. (Finally) one day, someone asked me how I got to work, and I said, “oh, my dad drove me”- as “casual” as anyone could say when you’re a 24-year-old adult whose dad drives you to and from work. There have been many stories made of my driving capabilities: Does she have a license? Does she even know how to drive? Did he pack a lunch for her too? (that one may or may not be true).



At this point, having worked at Tala for six months and having my dad drive me to work for every shift, my dad has become part of my entire Tala experience and my fondest memory at Tala. For me and my dad, driving to and from Tala has been quality time for us to talk, to catch up on life, and to drink a delicious coffee that brings us together. As many jokes as we all make about my dad being my personal Uber driver, it has been one of the most memorable and joyful times of quarantine. Going to Tala has never just been about going to work or getting coffee, it has brought so many wonderful moments for my dad and I, conversations I will always cherish, and time that I will always be grateful for.

What’s your favorite memory?

We want to hear your favorite memories at Tala! This week, we’re giving away a $200 gift card to one lucky individual who tells us their favorite memory. Full details are available below—make sure you post about your memory this week to be entered to win!