Posts tagged Tala Coffee
Tala Adventure: Sipping, Strolling, and Sculptures

Join us on a “Tala Adventure” as we take our coffee beyond the café and into the heart of the communities we love. Alo takes us on her adventure to a local art festival and to grab a bite to eat.

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Cold Brew Chia Seed Pudding

In college, my roommates and I pretty much lived off of chia seed pudding. As health-conscious but nevertheless thrifty students, we found a big bag of chia seeds could go a long way to fulfilling our needs. We’d all chip in on a Costco-size bag and then have fast, easy meals for weeks. The best part for us then was how easy and versatile it could be. We tried endless variations so we never got bored of the flavor.

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Behind the Bar with Grace

Grace joined the Tala crew in the summer of 2023 and, as of this month, is now the new manager of the Highwood location. All the way from Hartford, Wisconsin, Grace made the big move to Illinois to study international relations and environmental studies. You’ve probably seen her in the cafe with a big warm smile on her face. You can come see her at Tala most days of the week!

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Dueling Processes: Washed vs Natural

It isn’t every day that you get the chance to see how distinctly the processing method can change the flavor of a coffee. We are excited to offer both washed and natural versions of our Chelbesa Washing Station coffee on our online store. This unique opportunity allows you to explore and appreciate the diverse flavor profiles that result from different processing techniques.

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Summer Drink Menu 2024

Summer is officially here, and so is our summer drink lineup! Now that we have six summer seasons under our belt, we have a lot of favorite drinks to choose from. Customers often ask us earnestly to bring back their favorite drink from previous years, but the problem is everyone has a different favorite. This year we decided to take the guesswork out and get scientific about it with an Instagram poll (nothing screams scientific like social media, right?!).

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Winnetka Cafe Grand Opening

We are so incredibly blessed by the community that has supported us since opening our doors in late November. Since then, we have been welcomed to the neighborhood with open arms, and have been so grateful to see the way the community has already taken to our new little corner of the Indian Hill district.

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Spring Drink Menu 2024

In the Chicagoland area, we had almost forgotten it wasn’t already spring, but as of yesterday, the season is official! With the onset of budding flowers, greener grass and longer days comes our long-awaited spring drink launch.

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Winter Drink Menu 2024

Saying goodbye to the holiday drinks is made much easier once you get a taste of what the winter drink menu holds. These warm flavors almost make you forget how cold it is. Some of our most intricate and complicated drinks of the year are featured on this menu. The colder indoor energy of the winter seems to invite the tinkering and tweaking for these delicious concoctions you’ll find here. Read about each below and flag the tasty drink for your next visit!

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Holiday Drink Menu 2023

The long-awaited holiday season is here, and at Tala we go hard for the holidays… or should I say Tala-days! It has been a hallmark (no pun intended) since the beginning of our company that we celebrate with fun decorations, epic drinks, and an extra measure of holiday spirit. We are blessed all year long to see the connective power of coffee in bringing people together, and this is on display all the more during the holidays. So grab a loved one and meet for for a festive holiday drink at your favorite cafe!

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Choose a Coffee for You

Whether it’s music, food, or podcasts, we all have preferences and things we do or don’t enjoy. The same is then true of our taste in coffee! So how do you know what kind of coffee you are going to enjoy? Here are some helpful pointers on how to select coffees you find delicious.

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Fall Drink Menu 2023

The heat waves are behind us, school is in session and the flannels and beanies are coming out from wherever they’ve been kept all summer long. It’s the season of changing leaves, bonfires, corn mazes, and, of course, fall drinks at Tala! We have some of your favorite drinks returning and one new addition to the lineup, so make sure you stop in and give each a try!

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