Posts tagged Single Origin
Dueling Processes: Washed vs Natural

It isn’t every day that you get the chance to see how distinctly the processing method can change the flavor of a coffee. We are excited to offer both washed and natural versions of our Chelbesa Washing Station coffee on our online store. This unique opportunity allows you to explore and appreciate the diverse flavor profiles that result from different processing techniques.

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The Story Behind Mico de Noche

“When we were looking for a new coffee (in 2021) we had this gap in our lineup for a coffee that was really round, really rich, really sweet and approachable. We were specifically cupping coffees to find something that was everything that the Mico de Noche was which was the really approachable warm flavors that are super easy to market, super easy to enjoy. We were looking for a bridge between our house blend Ruca and some of the other single origins that we had. It was kind of a gateway coffee, if you will”, Keith shares after recalling their first cupping of Mico De Noche over a year ago.

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A Particular Coffee

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been offering a naturally processed coffee from El Salvador. To be more specific, we’ve been offering a particular variety of coffee, from a particular lot, on a particular farm, from a particular famer, Mr. Johnny Lemus, located in Chalatenango. In case you missed it, everything about this coffee is particular.

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Gesha Cold Brew

We recently launched our first coffee in our Tala Truest line: the Israel Hernandez Gesha from Tolima, Colombia. As much as we’ve been loving it hot, the thought occurred to us to conduct a wild experiment. It came in a stroke of genius—the kind of genius that seems hyperbolic at first—and we quickly realized it might actually work. We made cold brew with the Gesha, a bold move none of us have seen from the specialty industry before. The result? Amazing. So we’re going to share! This limited-edition cold brew will be sold in bottles in our cafe and be available for Neighborly delivery to local customers.

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Los Ancestros: Huehuetenango, Guatemala

This coffee simply put, tastes like everything we love about the fall season. It’s loaded with brown sugar, caramel, and candied pecan sweetness, soft and ripe pear and apple, as well as warm and cozy cocoa. It pairs perfectly with a hayrides, pumpkin carving, apple picking, and bonfires.

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San Diego Mills: Tarrazu, Costa Rica

We love this coffee because it really embodies the transition of the last of the summer turning into fall. Fresh and ripe fruit flavors of raspberry, cherry, passion fruit, and guava on the front end of each sip transition and finish with warm and comforting flavors of praline and milk chocolate. This uniquely sweet coffee is perfect for cool mornings as well as warm afternoons.

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Tala Truest

There is a whole world of exceptionally rare coffee, meticulously cared for by dedicated farmers and produced to perfection. These are the kinds of coffees you would want to experience purely, savor every sip and preferably to enjoy with a friend or loved one. These are like the beautifully aged bottle of wine or the top-shelf whiskey. Tala Truest is our new line, featuring these super high-quality coffees reserved for special occasions.

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Kiriga Estate AB: Kiambu, Kenya

We’re excited to offer yet another amazing offering from Kenya. This one coming from the Kiriga Estate is the pinnacle of savory and sweet flavors harmoniously signing together. Deep, rich maple and stewed fruit flavors of grapefruit and guava round out this wonderful coffee. We love it and know you will too.

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Guji: Shakiso, Ethiopia - Washed Process

At the beginning of the Summer we got a natural processed Guji Shakiso coffee on the shelves that has been a big hit. Recently, we got a hold of the same coffee, from the exact same farm, with the only traceable difference being process. This Guji Shakiso is a washed coffee—our team’s favorite process—and has many similarities to the natural Shakiso, but the difference in processes makes for a unique contrast of the two crops. This Guji is praised for its light chamomile flavor with deep lemon curd and clover honey sweetness. If you tried our other Guji, make sure to try this one to compare and contrast the processes.

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Lainequel Zamora Microlot: La Escuadra, Costa Rica

This coffee comes from the La Escuadra region in Costa Rica. It is a red honey process, which means the mucilage is left on the bean while it dries, usually resulting in a more fruit-forward flavor. This particular coffee tastes like tangerine and blackberries with a nice creamy texture. We think its the perfect way to end the summer.

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Guji: Shakiso, Ethiopia - Natural Process

This is our second offering from our of our favorite subregions of Ethiopia: the Guji zone. This coffee is special to us because it is our very first naturally processed coffee that we’ve had as an offering. We taste honey and concord grape-like sweetness with a subtle blueberry aroma. This coffee is everything we love about deeper, rich Ethiopian coffees. This coffee was also chosen with help from our customers at our first public cupping.

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