Tala Truest

At Tala we believe strongly that great coffee is for everyone. High-quality coffee can be the standard whether you’re drinking it black, putting it in a sugary latte, slamming it to wake up or savoring every sip. We’ve put a huge focus on making specialty coffee approachable to every coffee drinker, regardless of there previous experience, knowledge base or their preferred beverage.

There is, however, a whole world of exceptionally rare coffee, meticulously cared for by dedicated farmers and produced to perfection. These are the kinds of coffees you would want to experience purely, savor every sip and preferably to enjoy with a friend or loved one. These are like the beautifully aged bottle of wine or the top-shelf whiskey. Tala Truest is our new line, featuring these super high-quality coffees reserved for special occasions.

Isn’t Tala coffee already high quality?

Yes! We never cut corners with coffee, and every single batch produced is due to a long line of dedication from seed to cup. It isn’t that the Tala Truest coffees will be grown better, roasted better or brewed better. Rather, coffees in our Tala Truest line will be unique for other reasons. In coffee, these top-of-the-line crops are special for one of a few reasons. Sometimes, like wine, it is due to an exceptional year of farming. Perhaps the rainy season was different this year, or there were more days of sun and the result was an outstanding coffee, impossible to imitate next year. Other times, the coffee is particularly special due to its rare varietal or rare region. Still other times, it may be due to a different process only possible in extremely specific conditions. In any case, these are the kind of coffees you only get once.

We intend to feature many different types of coffees in our Tala Truest line, ranging in varieties, flavors and regions. Keep your eyes peeled for our next Tala Truest coffee.

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