Posts tagged coffee
Finca Angamaza: Loja, Ecuador

Finca Angamaza—a coffee from producer Angel Capa Carrion in Ecuador that’s passionately both grown and processed at a very high elevation, truly making this coffee shine and sparkle with immense sweetness. It’s the kind of coffee that you will think back to later in the day, long after you have your last sip in the cup.

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A case for the Aeropress!

I brought the AeroPress camping with me and everything changed. After seeing how the AeroPress preformed in the outdoors with bladders of water and minimal equipment, I am never going back. All of the things I mentioned above came into play again but even more so. I didn’t have to worry about breaking it as we tried to fit our cooking gear, cloths, tent and sleeping set up snugly into our packs.

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Favorite Memory: Parting Thoughts

“Good Morning! How are you?” are my first words to the customers that consistently get the worm. I usually work in the AM (6:30-12:00 with the adjusted COVID schedule), and let me tell you, getting out of bed at 5:30 to beat Marcus to the cafe is not the most enjoyable thing to do, especially when you’re not a morning person.

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Tala Truest

There is a whole world of exceptionally rare coffee, meticulously cared for by dedicated farmers and produced to perfection. These are the kinds of coffees you would want to experience purely, savor every sip and preferably to enjoy with a friend or loved one. These are like the beautifully aged bottle of wine or the top-shelf whiskey. Tala Truest is our new line, featuring these super high-quality coffees reserved for special occasions.

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Small Business Saturday

Happy Small Business Saturday! I might be biased, but I really appreciate this day every year. It solidifies something we have always believed at Tala, and yet often forget: there is something we can offer as a small business that a giant company cannot. We absolutely love that we get to know our customer’s names, that we can offer a place of genuine connection and also a high-quality product that isn’t watered down by big business agendas. So thanks for celebrating small business with us—we’re in great company.

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Coffee Cocoa Frosting

This coffee frosting recipe will stop you in your tracks. It's decadent, rich, buttery and perfectly sweet. This frosting pairs well with chocolate or vanilla cake or cupcakes, and can even go beautifully with lots of other desserts like cookies, bars or--my personal favorite--straight from a spoon. There's really no way to lose. 

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Making the Most: Coffee Grinding

Grinders either fall into the category of burr or blade. Burr grinders are a little higher-end and therefore tend to be more expensive. Average coffee consumers usually opt for a blade grinder because of its attractive price point. Although burr grinders are more ideal for coffee grinding, you can still yield a quality cup with a blade grinder. Let's explore optimizing blade grinders. There are two obvious potential problems with typical blade grinders that you want to watch out for: gauging the correct grind size and even particle size. 

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Where to Start

Starting yourself out with coffee gear can be a pretty penny--hats off to you if you can get it all in one go--but there is hope for those who don't want to break bank just to brew coffee at home. While some brewing methods require a special gooseneck kettle or other special equipment, there are some really great brewing methods to start off with very little equipment. Here are some of our favorite options:

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Making the Most: Water

Water is extremely important in coffee-brewing (it is the majority of the beverage, after all). While brewing, the hot water extracts tastes from the grounds to turn plain water into delicious coffee. This happens through chemical bonding, where the particles in the coffee bond to the particles in the water. Differences in water can disrupt this process and undermine the deliciousness of the coffee. There are two common problems people make with water choices, and both are easily avoidable.

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