Posts tagged espresso
Exploring the Coffee Bean Belt

Each region within the coffee bean belt offers unique growing conditions that shape the diverse flavors and characteristics of coffee. Factors such as soil composition, climate, altitude, and bean variety all contribute to the distinct profiles of coffees from these areas. This results in a rich tapestry of flavors, from bright and fruity to earthy and robust.

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Summer Drink Menu 2024

Summer is officially here, and so is our summer drink lineup! Now that we have six summer seasons under our belt, we have a lot of favorite drinks to choose from. Customers often ask us earnestly to bring back their favorite drink from previous years, but the problem is everyone has a different favorite. This year we decided to take the guesswork out and get scientific about it with an Instagram poll (nothing screams scientific like social media, right?!).

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Finca Angamaza: Loja, Ecuador

Finca Angamaza—a coffee from producer Angel Capa Carrion in Ecuador that’s passionately both grown and processed at a very high elevation, truly making this coffee shine and sparkle with immense sweetness. It’s the kind of coffee that you will think back to later in the day, long after you have your last sip in the cup.

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Fall Drink Menu 2020

This is maybe the most anticipated of all seasonal menu changes. For weeks we’ve been getting questions about when we’ll switch to our fall menu and what will be on it and if we’re back back (insert personal favorite) from last year. I’m not sure if its the crisp changing air, the return to a more regular schedule or maybe just the passage of time and craving for change. Whatever the case, it seems like we aren’t the only excited ones to bring on the Fall flavors.

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Favorite Memory: Parting Thoughts

“Good Morning! How are you?” are my first words to the customers that consistently get the worm. I usually work in the AM (6:30-12:00 with the adjusted COVID schedule), and let me tell you, getting out of bed at 5:30 to beat Marcus to the cafe is not the most enjoyable thing to do, especially when you’re not a morning person.

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