Posts tagged Recipe
Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

First time making cinnamon rolls? No problem! We have broken this recipe down into three easy parts: the dough, the filling and the icing. Don’t worry, there is no reason to be intimidated, it’s pretty darn simple. So gather your ingredients, decide if you’re making them the night before or morning of and get the coffee brewing to make sure you have something to sip while you bake!

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Mother's Day Ideas

Mother's Day this year is Sunday, May 13th--but you already knew that, right? It's the day when we get to celebrate the incredible miracle that mothers are and honor all the moms in our lives! I'm sure you've been planning for weeks, but in case you need some last-minute inspiration we're sharing some of our favorite Mother's Day ideas with you! 

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Cascara Maple Mojito

Spring seems to be upon us, folks! We've beat the winter and for that we all deserve a huge pat on the back. Looking to celebrate? Us too. Here at Tala we celebrate beverage-style pretty often (I mean can you blame us?) and we have recently discovered an amazing spring drink that we want to share with all of you: the Cascara Maple Mojito. 

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Coffee Cocoa Frosting

This coffee frosting recipe will stop you in your tracks. It's decadent, rich, buttery and perfectly sweet. This frosting pairs well with chocolate or vanilla cake or cupcakes, and can even go beautifully with lots of other desserts like cookies, bars or--my personal favorite--straight from a spoon. There's really no way to lose. 

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