Posts tagged Hosting
Hosting with Coffee

This time of year you might find a few extra people in your home. Invited, uninvited—who really knows. Keeping the peace and putting your most hospitable foot forward always starts with coffee. Let’s make sure no one catches each other before their morning coffee. It’ll be better that way, won’t it? Here’s a few tips for the best help-yourself coffee station to impress the guests and make your life easier.

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Cascara Maple Mojito

Spring seems to be upon us, folks! We've beat the winter and for that we all deserve a huge pat on the back. Looking to celebrate? Us too. Here at Tala we celebrate beverage-style pretty often (I mean can you blame us?) and we have recently discovered an amazing spring drink that we want to share with all of you: the Cascara Maple Mojito. 

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