Posts tagged Q&A
Behind the Bar with Grace

Grace joined the Tala crew in the summer of 2023 and, as of this month, is now the new manager of the Highwood location. All the way from Hartford, Wisconsin, Grace made the big move to Illinois to study international relations and environmental studies. You’ve probably seen her in the cafe with a big warm smile on her face. You can come see her at Tala most days of the week!

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How Our Expansion Started

It’s always interesting to me how much curiosity people display, how much they want to know and how much they seem to truly care what the future holds for our little company. It is in that spirit of curiosity and care that I was persuaded by inquiring people to give something of a “behind the scenes” look at what this process has been like for us in the form of answering some commonly posed questioned.

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Behind the Bar with Sydney

Sydney started working at Tala as a Neighborly delivery driver in the summer of 2022. Long before she was an employee, Syd was a regular at the cafe—partly because her sister Lucy worked with us, but also because it’s where she did homework almost every day after school. After doing Neighborly for a few months, Sydney joined the cafe team and has worked steadily ever since!

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Behind the Bar with Tayah

Currently Tayah works full time as a Shift Supervisor and our Event Coordinator. She is also one of the youngest on the Tala Team, although her maturity would make that hard to guess. Even when she isn’t on shift, Tayah can often be found hanging out at the cafe. If you’re a Highwood regular, you may already know a few things about Tayah. Let’s see if you learn anything new!

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Getting Creative with Amoret

“You can make it in the morning for caffeine or whatever and that’s great and definitely a benefit but to another extent, it’s a way to put time aside in the morning and slow yourself down. If you’re doing the pour over or if you’re just sitting down with a drip and just drinking it. At least for me it gives time in the morning and it’s definitely just a dedicated part of the day type of thing.” Jesse Taylor, creator of the song amoret

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Spring Drink Menu 2023

The days are warming up and sunshine is filling up the forecast for the week! It’s beginning to look a lot like spring and we are very ready for it! From walks through the forest preserves, to sitting on the rocks down by the lake, to roller blading on the bike path, there are (almost) endless possibilities. The only thing that will make all these activities just that much better is stopping by Tala and grabbing your new spring drink before you get going!

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Today is National Read Across America day, a perfect day to celebrate our friends over at Freadom, a new non-profit launched just a few months ago, whose aim is to support literacy across America. Any product purchased from Freadom right now also comes with a sample bag of our coffee, and 100% of profits goes toward literacy initiatives across the country.

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