The Tala Blog
Featured Article
Decaf - How does it happen?
“When it receives the same care as other coffees, decaf coffee can be delicious! It also serves a noble purpose…”
Tesfaye Bekele: Guji, Ethiopia
We love this coffee for its flavors that take us back to those 2nd-grade lunchbox fruit cups, especially the peach ones in light syrup, paired with rich, complex Demerara sugar and ripe melon that lingers in the finish. This is undeniably delicious!
New Release: Nyamasheke, Rwanda
Our newest single origin release comes from the Kanzu washing station in the Nyamasheke district of Rwanda. This is a washed coffee with bourbon varietals. The flavor notes that we picked up on from this specific coffee are blackberry, honey and custard. We are so excited to share this coffee with all of you since it has been quite some time since we’ve featured a Rwandan coffee in our lineup!
A Particular Coffee
Over the past few weeks, we’ve been offering a naturally processed coffee from El Salvador. To be more specific, we’ve been offering a particular variety of coffee, from a particular lot, on a particular farm, from a particular famer, Mr. Johnny Lemus, located in Chalatenango. In case you missed it, everything about this coffee is particular.