Posts in Technical
How to Read a Single Origin Coffee Label

Most people choose the coffee they are getting based off the tasting notes we use in our labels. This is a great way to choose what you think you’ll like, but that doesn’t mean you need to stop there! Reading and understanding the rest of the label isn’t a crazy puzzle that takes a lot of brain power. We’ll walk through the coffee lingo and abbreviations that may help you use the label to pick out your next bag of coffee. When it comes down to it, it’s very simple—we promise!

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Happy World Water Day!

Everyday that we get to use clean, filtered water to make coffee is a day to celebrate! It just so happens that today is the day celebrate because it is World Water Day! . . . World Water Day provides intentionality to advocate for better water management practices across the board, from big corporations to your own household.

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A case for the Aeropress!

I brought the AeroPress camping with me and everything changed. After seeing how the AeroPress preformed in the outdoors with bladders of water and minimal equipment, I am never going back. All of the things I mentioned above came into play again but even more so. I didn’t have to worry about breaking it as we tried to fit our cooking gear, cloths, tent and sleeping set up snugly into our packs.

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Composting and Coffee: How it Works

Making a lot of coffee creates a lot of used coffee grounds. In fact, it creates three pounds of used coffee grounds just to make one keg of cold brew, six pounds of coffee to make one batch of cold brew concentrate, half a pound of coffee for each batch of Ruca house blend we brew up and then there is each puck of espresso for each and every espresso drink. That adds up very quickly, especially when you’re brewing coffee from 7am until 6pm daily!

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Brewing vs. Buying: A straightforward Cost Analysis

By brewing coffee at home, you can do less running in your day, you can work smarter and prepare your coffee routine for the week ahead without even going out (shout out to Coffee Club and Neighborly deliveries), and you can save money! Plus you get really delicious coffee whenever you want or need it. And you definitely need it Monday mornings, and Tuesday, and Wednesday. . . Don’t get us wrong, we love serving you coffee at the cafe, but we also understand that sometimes you want to save. We believe you should be able to save money while also enjoying excellent coffee.

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Hand Grinder

When I first began drinking specialty coffee, I was excited about the idea of having great coffee at home, but honestly wasn’t sure if I would follow-through with what seemed like such a complicated process every morning or just swing by the local shop to drink theirs instead. Of course, both are great options, but I was concerned about buying an expensive grinder for it just to sit around. For me, the hand grinder was the perfect solution. It was cheaper than an electric burr grinder, but a huge upgrade from my blade grinder at home.

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Hosting with Coffee

This time of year you might find a few extra people in your home. Invited, uninvited—who really knows. Keeping the peace and putting your most hospitable foot forward always starts with coffee. Let’s make sure no one catches each other before their morning coffee. It’ll be better that way, won’t it? Here’s a few tips for the best help-yourself coffee station to impress the guests and make your life easier.

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Brew Coffee In The Wild

We’ve partnered with REI to bring you a comprehensive guide to brewing coffee in the wild. For step-by-step instructions as well as tips and tricks from the field, keep reading! We also are celebrating REI’s 81st anniversary with them on Saturday, May 18th by doing a coffee demo at our local REI store. For details check out our event page.

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Filter Theory

Have you ever heard the term “filter coffee?” We say it in the cafe sometimes, and maybe you’ve heard it elsewhere. Coffee brewing essentially breaks down into two categories: espresso and filter. To understand filter coffee you have to understand basic filter theory. We’re going to go over just a few basic principles to launch you into the world of filter.

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Changing Variables

Brew methods ultimately determine all other variables. It is important to maintain time above all else, as determined by your brew method of choice. Dose and yield are codependent variables that can be manipulated as determined by how much coffee you want to drink. Your grind setting will change based on your dose and brew method in order to keep your brew time accurate to your brew method.

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